Connecting the Dots in an Unconnected World

Friday, October 21, 2011

Time for Revival

For the past several years Southern Baptists have been attempting to experience a fresh movement of God by restructuring, reprogramming and now renaming. It seems we are more concerned with "how" we do the Great Commission than "that" we do the Great Commission. We may be more concerned with methodology than with transformation. Possibly we are more concerned with what others think of us than what Jesus thinks of us.

In our listing of "R's" that concern us we have missed at least two. Repentance and revival are what we need. There must be a genuine turning from sin and revival of a concern for lost souls if we are to experience a fresh movement of God. If we are to turn around our Southern Baptist Convention we must begin bu turning around individual lives in our churches. We do not need refashioned programs we need revitalized people. New emphases will not substitute for New Testament evangelism and discipleship. A better marketing strategy cannot replace brokenness before our Savior.

21st century pragmatism will not suffice if we are to genuinely impact our culture with the gospel. Let us not forget that Jesus commanded those who know Him and walk with Him to go find those who do not and lovingly share His good news of salvation and an eternal relationship with Him.

Attempting to connect the dots...


"We do not need to market the church but rather we need to church the market."
John Sullivan

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