Connecting the Dots in an Unconnected World

Thursday, December 27, 2012


New Years Resolutions are among the most neglected of resolutions. We make them January 1 and break them January 2. However, the idea of a new beginning with new commitments is both practical and Biblical. There needs to be not only resolution but a plan to accomplish the resolution. This turns our resolutions into practical goals. Here are some of my New Years goals:

Read the Bible through at least 4 times this year. The Bible is a Book above all Books. It deserves my best and most attention. I plan to spend at least one hour each day reading God's Word.

Be a part of winning at least 250 people to Christ this year. A soul winning commitment honors God  and impacts eternity. Many people never win a soul to Christ because they have not made a commitment to do so. I plan to daily share the gospel with at least one person. I further plan to be evangelsitic in my preaching and inviting others to Christ from the pulpit.

Become more geneorous with my time, talent and treasure. Biblical stewardship instructs us that 100% of what we have does not belong to us, it belongs to God. The principle of tithing is the foundation of Christian giving. Generoisty becomes real when we go far beyond the tithe in gifts to our church, to other worthy entitites  and to other people. I plan to increase my giving by at least 1% this year.

Become more patient. This is a big issue for me. When we exhibit patience we exhibit our faith in God. It is my nature to attempt to fix everyhting right now. I desire immediate solutions when God desires that I trust Him. I plan to ask God to make me more aware of the times I need to simply back away and let Him do His good work in my life and the life of those I love.

Be more understanding of others. People are all flawed by sin (this inlcludes me). The work of God is done in the lives of imperfect people. I need to realize that when others behave in a manner I consider inappropriate that God is not finished working with them. For this I am grateful, for God is not done with me, either. I plan to exhibit more grace for God has given me more than I deserve.

Be more grateful for the things God has given me. I must not take for granted what God has given me. I live in the most affluent culture in the world. I live in a nice home, drive a nice car, wear nice clothes and have plenty to eat (my waist line proves it). I have 4 wonderful children, 2 beautiful granchildren and a most loving  wife. I serve the finest people, Southside Baptist Church, and have the awesome privelege of being a preacher of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. All of these are direct gifts from God. I plan to thank Him everyday for His amazing goodness and grace in my life.

I set goals because I desire to accomplish something. I encourage you to consider setting some New Years goals of your own. 

Attempting to Connect the Dots...



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