Connecting the Dots in an Unconnected World

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Heaven Came Down

The old hymn says "heaven came down and Glory filled my soul." Surely, this is true as relates the my experience with the Colonial Oaks Baptist Church in Sarasota, Florida:
30 people were saved (16 on the final night)
7 people were baptized (more planning to be baptized Sunday)
7 people joined by letter
15 people made public decisions of rededication
75 people committed to attempt to win someone to Christ in the next 30 days
(with many already fulfilling the commitment).

Dr. Gary Roy, the pastor is to be commended for his exemplary leadership and the dear people of Colonial Oaks are to be commended for their faithful attendance and prayer support. This is one of areas finest congregations.

Thank God for sending a true spirit of revival and renewal. He is still God who sends revival to those who seek it.

Attempting to Connect the Dots...



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