Connecting the Dots in an Unconnected World

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What is in a Word?

Words mean something. What we say both verbally and in print represents who we are, what we believe and what is important to us. We should avoid carelessness when we use words.

Interestingly, we live in a generation that has become careless with our vocabulary. I have observed two practices that are disturbing when it comes to the use of words.

The first is the practice of inconsistency in our speech and writing. While I recognize that an individuals viewpoint or conviction might change on a particular issue, it seems acceptable to far too many in our culture, to say whatever is pleasing to a particular audience and then to flip-flop when addressing a different audience.

Second, a growing issue is the practice of redefining the historic or traditional meaning of words. This is a reflection of the cultural practice of historical revisionism. If an individual can successfully redefine a word he is in the position of being able to portray himself in a way that he could be perceived to be acceptable to two groups of people who hold to opposite opinions or to word parse his way out of an existing statement that might be problematic.

Again, words mean something. Words like integrity, accountability, fidelity, loyalty, consistency and character not only carry specific meaning; they should be the definition of who we are in Christ. Often in Christian debate we degenerate to a mentality of my side must win. We use words in a way to accomplish victory. Our words should be used in a way to establish what we believe and to express who we are as individuals who follow Christ.

Jesus said:
But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. 

May that be said of us as we follow Him.

Attempting to Connect the Dots...



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