Connecting the Dots in an Unconnected World

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Enamored with Celebrity

America has become a nation enamored with celebrity. Both the celebrities and their lifestyles are venerated by the culture in which we live. Television shows like American Idol and many others, professional athletes and Hollywood stars and starlets have been given a role of influence that has jaded the future of our nation. I will not address the multiple negative influences this celebrity has created.

Sadly, this same celebrity has found its way into the work of Christ. National television preachers and personalities who preach and practice a wealth theology that leads to extravagance that would shame even the most pagan. Rock star pastors who travel with an entourage in private jets. Ministry that is defined by a "set" on Sunday morning rather than involvement in the lives of individuals. Preachers who have more time to attend their next church growth conference than they have to minister in their community.

What happened to the model of Jesus who denied and humbled Himself to do the will of His heavenly Father? It is time to trade our celebrity for a cross and the growth at any cost mentality for a full surrender to the will of God that will most probably include great sacrifice on our part. The work of God is not about our personal promotion it is about our Savior who loved us and gave himself for us.

Attempting to Connect the Dots...



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